Laser Based Digital Communication System We are thinking of implementing this design as a High-Bandwidth & Long Distance Reliable Mode of Analog-Digital Conversion using pulsating LASER Beams. The transmitter will include an Arduino & the receiver can be another microcontroller like Arduino, NodeMCU or Raspberry Pi. We can transmit sensor data / preset data / user custom data and maybe multimedia content over long distances at extremely-high power efficiency & ultra-low cost margins to generate a complete IOT Network without cabling or a dedicated Networking system like WIFI. We initially thought of using an LDR in the Receiver section but the LDR is usually biased by the power supply & usually slow to react to changing intensity of light patters so we required a more reliable approach. Solar panel was the best candidate, since it was extremely accurate & it generates voltage on its own when excited by charged photons. We just amplified that little curren...